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New Advanced JS Course: Learn to Program Natural Simulations!

The book is about programming natural simulations using the Java version of…


Our Design Guidelines for Teaching Programming Talkthroughs

Academy CS software engineering As we slowly ramp up content creation for…


Academy Helps Students Prepare for Medical School Admission Test

There were many memorable moments on my road to becoming a doctor,…


Hour of Code 2022 on Academy: Four Ways to Learn to Code, in Five Languages!

We were thrilled to participate in the Hour of Code campaign and…

Science & Technology

Academy Teachers Bring Concepts to Integration and Education

Such integration helps students to more closely associate the practical value of…


New Academy Features to Bring Your District Success This Fall

We are deeply committed to continually improving educators’ ability to get the…


New Course: Learn jQuery With Our Interactive Tutorials!

jQuery is currently the most popular JS library on the web -…


Academy Introduces Something Big for Young People

Today we’re announcing something entirely new: an education program for designed to…

Science & Technology

Build Class Community and Celebrate Mastery All Year Long With LearnStorm

You can take student motivation off your to-do list this year, because…


Engineering Principles Help Us Scale to Better Meet Our Mission

Growth is a goal for every organization and company. At Academy, our…


What Does a Computing Professional Look Like? Find Out on Academy!

We have thousands of K-12 students learning computer programming on Academy -…


Exploring The Visual, Auditory and Physical Styles of Learning

Simply put, learning styles are the different ways in which a person…

Science & Technology