Introducing Gutenberg Subscribe Email to Download

Are you aiming to expand your email list while delivering valuable content to your visitors? Look no further than the innovative “Subscribe Email to Download” block in Foxiz. It’s the ultimate Gutenberg block for efficient content delivery.

This block is a Gutenberg WordPress editor block, and it doesn’t require any additional plugins to work. Here are a few samples that showcase its immense potential:

Form UI Kit for Figma

A versatile UI kit containing various UI elements and componente that you can use when building dashboards or admin interfaces

Additionally, the download block offers seamless integration with the popular email marketing platform Mailchimp, automating the process of adding new subscribers to your email lists with a confirmation subscribe opt-in option.

iPhone 14 Pro Mockup for Sketch

An iPhone 14 Pro mockup held in hand that can be customized letting you showcase your designs on Apple’s latest smartphone.